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File Created: 27-Feb-2012 by George Owsiacki (GO)
Last Edit:  31-Mar-2022 by Karl A. Flower (KAF)

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Name FIJI, TONGA Mining Division Skeena
BCGS Map 103P072
Status Showing NTS Map 103P13E
Latitude 055º 45' 06'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 129º 36' 23'' Northing 6178623
Easting 461932
Commodities Copper, Lead, Zinc, Silver, Gold Deposit Types L01 : Subvolcanic Cu-Ag-Au (As-Sb)
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine
Capsule Geology

The Fiji showing is located approximately 27 kilometres north-northwest of Alice Arm, or 30 kilometres southeast of Stewart.

On the Fiji property, rocks believed to be part of the informally named Middle Jurassic Goldslide Intrusion were identified near the eastern claim boundary, extending south towards the West Kitsault River. The intrusive rock (granodiorite to diorite in composition) consists of weakly sheared, medium grained feldspar porphyry and is locally coarse grained with euhedral and anhedral crystals of feldspar and up to 5 per cent hornblende. Local seams of pyrite, l-2 millimetres wide, form up to 2 per cent of the intrusion along shear zones trending north. The unit appears to intrude a thick sequence of Jurassic Hazelton Group felsic volcanics, making determination of contacts very difficult.

West of the Goldslide Intrusion(?), grey to reddish felsic, medium-grained volcanics form a thick, massive flow unit. Green and maroon, andesitic clastic volcanics are present as narrow interbeds. Sparse, disseminated pyrite occurs in the felsic rocks. Narrow zones of carbonate alteration are present in the green and maroon volcanics. Locally, these zones may carry chalcopyrite or pyrite/pyrrhotite as narrow stringers or associated with quartz veinlets. The above zones consist of grey carbonate from l-2 millimetre in width that weather bright yellow-orange. A pronounced north structural trend is indicated by shearing direction observations and stream valley orientation.

Mineralization appears to be related to a strong shearing pattern in a north-northeast direction within the Goldslide Intrusion(?). It consists of generally discontinuous pyrite veinlets up to 2 centimetres wide that form zones l-3 metres wide. Overall, pyrite content varies from 2 to 5 per cent. These broader zones tend to pinch and swell over short distances primarily due to the presence or absence of the pyrite stringers. The pyrite veinlets are generally associated with local coarse chalcopyrite or lenses of massive sphalerite several centimetres wide and up to 1-2 metres in length.

Mineralization also consists of primarily sphalerite with minor galena within carbonate altered breccia zones along shear zones. Locally, these zones can reach widths up to 4 metres but are mostly found intermittently along shears. Occasionally these mineralized zones are found along strike lengths up to 50 metres. Strong hydrozincite and lesser malachite stain are associated with the mineralization.

In 2006, rock sample TN06-KM-13 from a shear zone assayed 0.14 per cent copper, 0.47 per cent lead, 0.25 per cent zinc, 45.4 grams per tonne silver and 11.2 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 29197). Drilling in 2007 intersected argillites that have been fractured with subsequent introduction of sulphide bearing quartz-calcite stockwork. Rocks are intensely sericite altered in the area of fracturing and intrusive emplacement. Drillholes intersected sections of anomalous to significant zinc and gold values related to this fracturing and intrusive activity. Zinc values greater than 1 per cent and gold values up to 5.7 grams per tonne were intersected. In drillhole 2007-TF-1, a 3.05 metre intersection assayed 3.36 per cent zinc, 15.6 grams per tonne silver and 1.99 grams per tonne gold (Assessment Report 30140).

In 2005, the Tonga-Fiji property was part of an extensive regional airborne survey program carried out on behalf of Teuton Resources Corp. This work disclosed a linear pattern of roughly north trending electromagnetic (EM) conductors, which widened into a fishhead shape in the southernmost portion. In 2006, a series of seven holes at five different locations around the Susanne showing (103P 156) was drilled, mostly testing the strong EM conductors. During the same program, prospecting of an area in the northeastern part of the property resulted in the discovery of the Fiji showing which disclosed an area with high grade gold values in surface shear zones. In 2007, a program on the Fiji showing consisted of 1229 metres of BTW core drilling totalling eight holes from two different pad locations.

During 2017 through 2019, Auryn Resources Inc. completed programs of geological mapping, geochemical (rock and soil) sampling, airborne and ground geophysical surveys and re-logging of historical drill cores.

EMPR ASS RPT 28438, *29197, *30140, 34433, 35105, 37584, 38388
EMPR FIELDWORK 1985, pp. 219-224; 1988, pp. 233-240; 1990, pp. 235-243; 2005, pp. 1-4
EMPR OF 1986-2; 1994-14
GSC MAP 307A; 315A; 1385A
GSC OF 864; 3453
McDonough, B. (2010-06-28): Technical Report on the Homestake Ridge Project
Rennie, D.W. (2011-05-20): Technical Report on the Homestake Ridge Project
Macdonald, R. (2013-06-07): Technical Report on the Homestake Ridge Project – An Updated Mineral Resource
Macdonald, R. (2016-11-15): Technical Report on the Homestake Ridge Project – An Updated Mineral Resource
Ross, D.A. (2017-09-29): Technical Report on the Homestake Ridge Project
Ross, D.A. (2017-10-23): Technical Report on the Homestake Ridge Project
Auryn Resources Inc. (2020-05-29): Technical Report, Updated Mineral Resource Estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Homestake Ridge Gold Project, Skeena Mining division, British Columbia
Auryn Resources Inc. (2020-06-24): Technical Report, Updated Mineral Resource Estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Homestake Ridge Gold Project, Skeena Mining division, British Columbia